
nimble.calculate.percentileNormalize(values1, values2=None)

Convert elements to a percentile.

The percentile is equal to (k - 1) / (n - 1) where k is the element rank in the sorted data and n is the number of values in the vector, providing elements a range of 0 to 1. When the data contains equivalent elements, the calculated percentile is the mean (equivalent to the median) of the percentiles calculated at each equal element.

For elements in values2 that are not in values1, any elements within value1’s range will be calculated using linear interpolation, any elements less than the minimum of values1 will be set to 0 and any elements greater than the maximum of values1 will be set to 1.


>>> lst1 = [[1], [2], [4], [4], [5]]
>>> X1 =
>>> percentileNormalize(X1)
<Matrix 5pt x 1ft
 0 │ 0.000
 1 │ 0.250
 2 │ 0.625
 3 │ 0.625
 4 │ 1.000
>>> lst2 = [[3], [2], [6]]
>>> X2 =
>>> norm1, norm2 = percentileNormalize(X1, X2)
>>> norm2
<Matrix 3pt x 1ft
 0 │ 0.438
 1 │ 0.250
 2 │ 1.000