Supervised Learning

Training on interstate traffic data to make predictions about the future

In this example, we will use two datasets that contain data on interstate traffic volumes and features that may contribute to changes in traffic volume. Metro_Interstate_Traffic_Volume_Cleaned.csv, was generated in our Cleaning Data example and is the cleaned data we will use to build our supervised learning models. Metro_Interstate_Traffic_Volume_Predict.csv, contains fictional “forecast” data that we will use to simulate making traffic volume predictions using our supervised machine learning model.

In this example we will learn about:

Getting Started

import nimble

bucket = ''
traffic = + 'Metro_Interstate_Traffic_Volume_Cleaned.csv',
forecast = + 'Metro_Interstate_Traffic_Volume_Predict.csv',

Test five different machine learning algorithms

We’ll divide our traffic data into training and testing sets. The test set (used to measure the out-of-sample performance) will contain 25% of our data and the remaining 75% will be used to train each machine learning algorithm.

testFraction = 0.25
yFeature = 'traffic_volume'
trainX, trainY, testX, testY = traffic.trainAndTestSets(testFraction, yFeature)

For this example, we will use algorithms from the Sci-kit Learn package so it must be installed in the current environment. To check if Nimble has access to Sci-kit Learn in your environment, you can use nimble.showAvailablePackages. Additionally, we can see a list of all of the learners available to Nimble by using nimble.showLearnerNames. Uncomment the lines below if you would like to see the available packages and learners in your environment.

# nimble.showAvailablePackages()
# nimble.showLearnerNames()

Nimble’s training functions only need the package name and learner name to be identified. There is no need to recall, for example, that LinearRegression is in sklearn.linear_model or KNeighborsRegressor is in sklearn.neighbors, all Nimble requires are the strings ‘sklearn.LinearRegression’ and ‘sklearn.KNeighborsRegressor’, respectively. Using nimble.trainAndTest, we will quickly test the performance of five different regression algorithms (initially, we’ll use default arguments to keep things simple). We can then analyze the performance by comparing each learning algorithm’s root mean square error.

learners = ['sklearn.LinearRegression', 'sklearn.Ridge', 'sklearn.Lasso',
            'sklearn.KNeighborsRegressor', 'sklearn.HistGradientBoostingRegressor']
rootMeanSquareError = nimble.calculate.rootMeanSquareError
for learner in learners:
    performance = nimble.trainAndTest(learner, rootMeanSquareError, trainX,
                                      trainY, testX, testY)
    print(learner, 'error:', performance)
sklearn.LinearRegression error: 1797.1961560950451
sklearn.Ridge error: 1797.1709026127874
sklearn.Lasso error: 1797.209927459736
sklearn.KNeighborsRegressor error: 810.308794917623
sklearn.HistGradientBoostingRegressor error: 325.1225415964457

'sklearn.KNeighborsRegressor' and 'sklearn.HistGradientBoostingRegressor' had better out-of-the-box performance with this data than the linear regression based learners, so let’s focus on optimizing those two.

Improve performance by tuning hyperparameters

The default arguments are unlikely to yield the best performance, so now we will adjust some parameter values for our two best learners. These adjustments can be made through arguments as a python dict or as keyword arguments. If we need more information about a learner’s parameters, we can use nimble.learnerParameters and nimble.learnerParameterDefaults. Let’s try it for KNeighborsRegressor.

algorithm      'auto'
leaf_size      30
metric         'minkowski'
metric_params  None
n_jobs         None
n_neighbors    5
p              2
weights        'uniform'

Furthermore, we can test multiple values for the same parameter by using the nimble.Tune object. The presence of nimble.Tune will trigger hyperparameter tuning. By default, this tunes the arguments consecutively (optimizing one argument at a time while holding the others constant) and uses 5-fold cross-validation. This can be modified by providing a Tuning object to the tuning parameter. The tuning will find the argument combination with the best average performanceFunction result and return the TrainedLearner using the best arguments.

For KNeighborsRegressor, we will use nimble.Tune to try 3, 5, and 7 for the number of nearest neighbors and for HistGradientBoostingRegressor we will try different learning rate values. The Tuning object defines both a method for selecting each argument set and how each argument set will be validated. Below, we will use the default “consecutive” method but instead of the default “cross validation”, we will hold out a random 20% of our training data for validation. For details on all tuning options, see the Tuning documentation.

tuning = nimble.Tuning(validation=0.2, performanceFunction=rootMeanSquareError)
# some interfaces have alias options for the package name
# below we use the alias 'skl' for the 'sklearn' package.
knnTrained = nimble.train('skl.KNeighborsRegressor', trainX, trainY,
                     arguments={'n_neighbors': nimble.Tune([3, 5, 7])},
hgbrTrained = nimble.train('skl.HistGradientBoostingRegressor', trainX, trainY,
                    learning_rate=nimble.Tune([0.1, 0.5, 1]),

The nimble.train function returns a TrainedLearner. With a TrainedLearner we can apply (make predictions on a test set), test (measure the performance on a test set with known labels) and it provides many other additional methods and attributes. In this case, beacuse hyperparameter tuning occured, TrainedLearner.tuning provides access to the tuning results. Let’s check the best score and argument combination for knnTrained.

print(knnTrained.tuning.bestResult, knnTrained.tuning.bestArguments)
862.086327909546 {'n_neighbors': 3}

As such, the knnTrained object we have access to was trained with n_neighbors=3 since it had the best performance. Similarly hgbrTrained was trained with the best of our three possible learning rates. For hgbrTrained we will try checking the allResults and allArguments properties, which are sorted from best to worst performance and show the results for each of the tested argument sets.

for result, args in zip(hgbrTrained.tuning.allResults, hgbrTrained.tuning.allArguments):
    print(result, args)
306.96200904305067 {'learning_rate': 0.5}
337.45159775008915 {'learning_rate': 0.1}
358.7523695812055 {'learning_rate': 1}

knnTrained found n_neighbors of 3 to be the best choice, but even so the best performance was not that great. However, hgbrTrained seems promising, with a learning_rate of 0.5 outperforming the default of 0.1. As a final check, let’s see how it performs on our testing (out-of-sample) data.

hgbPerf = hgbrTrained.test(rootMeanSquareError, testX, testY)
print('sklearn.HistGradientBoostingRegressor', 'learning_rate=0.5', 'error', hgbPerf)
sklearn.HistGradientBoostingRegressor learning_rate=0.5 error 295.7659151552714

Applying our learner

We see a further improvement in the performance as compared to our original nimble.trainAndTest calls, so the HistGradientBoostingRegressor with a learning rate of 0.5 is our best model. Now we will apply our hgbrTrained trained learner to our forecast dataset to predict traffic volumes for a future day.

predictedTraffic = hgbrTrained.apply(forecast)
predictedTraffic.features.setNames('volume', oldIdentifiers=0)

Before printing, we will append the hour feature from forecasts to get a better visual of the traffic throughout the day.

predictedTraffic.features.append(forecast.features['hour'])'Traffic Volume Predictions')
Traffic Volume Predictions
24pt x 2ft
      volume    hour
 0 │  724.973   0.000
 1 │  465.648   1.000
 2 │  368.940   2.000
 3 │  470.118   3.000
 4 │  745.702   4.000
 5 │ 2435.529   5.000
 6 │ 5115.131   6.000
 7 │ 5704.463   7.000
 8 │ 5283.069   8.000
 9 │ 4602.258   9.000
10 │ 4350.797  10.000
11 │ 4469.605  11.000
12 │ 4862.187  12.000
13 │ 5100.790  13.000
14 │ 5436.456  14.000
15 │ 5809.010  15.000
16 │ 6379.484  16.000
17 │ 5880.763  17.000
18 │ 4558.882  18.000
19 │ 3362.865  19.000
20 │ 2932.029  20.000
21 │ 2371.768  21.000
22 │ 2325.762  22.000
23 │ 1508.499  23.000

Based on our forecasted data, our learner is predicting heavier traffic volumes between 6 am and 6 pm, trailing off into the evening. The peak congestion is expected around the 7 am hour for the morning commute and the 4 pm hour for the afternoon commute.


Dua, D. and Graff, C. (2019). UCI Machine Learning Repository []. Irvine, CA: University of California, School of Information and Computer Science.

Link to original dataset: