, points=None, features=None, lineLimit='automatic', lineWidthLimit='automatic', sigDigits=3, columnWidthLimit='automatic', includePointNames=True, includeFeatureNames=True, includeObjectName=True)

A printed representation of the data.

Method to simplify printing a representation of this data object, with some context. Prior to the names and data, it additionally prints a description provided by the user, (optionally) this object’s name attribute, and the number of points and features that are in the data.

  • description (str, None) – Printed as-is before the rest of the output, unless None.

  • points (range, int, None) – A filter for which points to include in the output. If given a range, only those those within the range will be output. An int will allow up to that amount of points to be shown, working inwards from the first and last point. If None (default), there is no specification, and points will be chosen according to lineLimit.

  • features (range, int, None) – A filter for which features to include in the output. If given a range, only those those within the range will be output. An int will allow up to that int’s amount of features to be shown, working inwards from the first and last feature. If None (default), there is no specification, and features will be chosen according to lineWidthLimit.

  • lineLimit ('automatic', int, None) – A bound on the maximum number of lines allowed for the output. The default, ‘automatic’, enforces a minimum height of 30 lines but expands dynamically when the height of the terminal is greater than 30, or will be ignored if the points parameter is specified. None will disable the bound on height.

  • lineWidthLimit ('automatic', int, None) – A bound on the maximum number of characters allowed on each line of the output. In CPython, the default value ‘automatic’, resolves to a width of 79 but expands dynamically when the width of the terminal is greater than 80 characters. In IPython / Notebooks ‘automatic’ always resolves to 117. This limit will be ignored if the features parameter is specified. A value of None will allow an unbounded width.

  • sigDigits (int) – The number of significant digits to display in the output.

  • columnWidthLimit (int) – A bound on the maximum number of characters allowed for the width of single printed column (feature) in each line. If the column text is too long for the set bound, 3 characters will be used up for the ellipses during truncation.

  • includePointNames (bool) – Used to control whether the point names are printed alongside the data in the points rows. If set to ‘False’ the indices of the points will be displayed instead of the names.

  • includeFeatureNames (bool) – Used to control whether the feature names are printed alongside the data in the features column. If set to ‘False’ the indices of the features will be displayed instead of the names.

  • includeObjectName (bool) – True will include printing of the object’s name attribute, False will not print the object’s name.

Keywords: print, representation, visualize, out, stdio, visualize, output, write, text, repr, represent, display, terminal