
Base.plotHeatMap(includeColorbar=False, outPath=None, show=True, title=True, xAxisLabel=True, yAxisLabel=True, **kwargs)

Display a plot of the data.

  • includeColorbar (bool) – Add a colorbar to the plot.

  • outPath (str, None) – A string of the path to save the current figure.

  • show (bool) – If True, display the plot. If False, the figure will not display until a plotting function with show=True is called.

  • title (str, bool) – The title of the plot. If True and this object has a name, the title will be the object name.

  • xAxisLabel (str, bool) – A label for the x axis. If True, the label will be “Feature Values”.

  • yAxisLabel (str, bool) – A label for the y axis. If True, the label will be “Point Values”.

  • kwargs – Any keyword arguments accepted by matplotlib.pyplot’s matshow function.

Keywords: chart, figure, image, graphics, visualization, matrix, map