
Features.matching(function, *, useLog=None)

Identifying features matching the given criteria.

Return a boolean value object by apply a function returning a boolean value for each feature in this object. Common any/all matching functions can be found in nimble’s match module. Note that the pointName in the returned object will be set to the __name__ attribute of function unless it is a lambda function.


function (function) –

  • function - in the form of function(featureView) which returns True, False, 0 or 1.

  • query - string in the format ‘POINTNAME OPERATOR VALUE’ (i.e “pt1 < 10”, “id4 == yes”, or “row4 is nonZero”) where OPERATOR is separated from the POINTNAME and VALUE by whitespace characters. See nimble.match.QueryString for string requirements.


nimble Base object – A point vector of boolean values.

See also

count, nimble.match


>>> from nimble import match
>>> lst = [[1, -1, 1], [-3, 3, 3]]
>>> X = nimble.data(lst)
>>> allPositiveFts = X.features.matching(match.allPositive)
>>> allPositiveFts
<Matrix 1pt x 3ft
                 0      1     2
 allPositive │ False  False  True
>>> from nimble import match
>>> lst = [[1, float('nan'), 1], [-3, 3, 3]]
>>> X = nimble.data(lst)
>>> ftHasMissing = X.features.matching(match.anyMissing)
>>> ftHasMissing
<Matrix 1pt x 3ft
                0     1      2
 anyMissing │ False  True  False

Keywords: boolean, equivalent, identical, same, matches, equals, compare, comparison, same, filter