
class nimble.core.data.Points

Methods that apply to the points axis of a Base object.

This object can be used to iterate over the points and contains methods that operate over the data in the associated Base object point-by-point.

A point is an abstract slice containing data elements within some shared context. In a concrete sense, points can be thought of as the data rows but a row can be organized in many ways. To optimize for machine learning, each row should be modified to meet the definition of a point.


append(toAppend, *[, useLog])

Append points to this object.

calculate(function[, points, useLog])

Apply a calculation to each point.

combineByExpandingFeatures(...[, ...])

Combine similar points based on a differentiating feature.

copy([toCopy, start, end, number, ...])

Copy certain points of this object.

count(condition[, features])

The number of points which satisfy the condition.

delete([toDelete, start, end, number, ...])

Remove certain points from this object.

extract([toExtract, start, end, number, ...])

Move certain points of this object into their own object.

fillMatching(fillWith, matchingElements[, ...])

Replace given values in each point with other values.


The index of a point name.


The indices of a list of point names.


The name of the point at the provided index.


The point names ordered by index.


Determine if point name exists.

insert(insertBefore, toInsert, *[, useLog])

Insert more points into this object.

mapReduce(mapper, reducer, *[, useLog])

Transforms each point in this object using a specified mapper function and then aggregates the data using the specified reducer function.

matching(function, *[, useLog])

Identifying points matching the given criteria.


Returns a nimble object representing the maximum value along the points axis.


Returns a nimble object representing the mean value along the points axis.


Returns a nimble object representing the median value along the points axis.


Returns a nimble object representing the median absolute deviation along the points axis.


Returns a nimble object representing the minimum value along the points axis.


Retirms a nimble object representing the mode along the points axis.

permute([order, useLog])

Permute the indexing of the points.

plot([points, horizontal, outPath, show, ...])

Bar chart comparing points.

plotMeans([points, horizontal, outPath, ...])

Plot point means with 95% confidence interval bars.

plotStatistics(statistic[, points, ...])

Bar chart comparing an aggregate statistic between points.


Returns a nimble object representing the population standard deviation along the points axis.


Returns a nimble object representing the proportion of values that are None or NaN along the points axis.


Returns a nimble object representing the proportion of values that are equal to zero along the points axis.


Returns a nimble object representing the quartiles along the points axis.

repeat(totalCopies, copyPointByPoint, *[, ...])

Create an object using copies of this object's points.

replace(data[, points, useLog])

Replace the data in one or more of the points in this object.

retain([toRetain, start, end, number, ...])

Keep only certain points of this object.

setNames(assignments[, oldIdentifiers, useLog])

Set or rename all of the point names of this object.


Calculate similarities between points.

sort([by, reverse, useLog])

Arrange the points in this object.

splitByCollapsingFeatures(...[, useLog])

Separate feature/value pairs into unique points.


Returns a nimble object representing the standard deviation along the points axis.


Calculate point statistics.


Returns a nimble object representing the sum along the points axis.

transform(function[, points, useLog])

Modify this object by applying a function to each point.


Only the unique points from this object.


Returns a nimble object representing the number of unique values along the points axis.


Returns a nimble object representing the variance along the points axis.