
nimble.showLog(levelOfDetail=2, leastSessionsAgo=0, mostSessionsAgo=1, startDate=None, endDate=None, maximumEntries=100, searchForText=None, regex=False, saveToFileName=None, append=False)

Output contents of the logger’s database file.

Create a human readable interpretation of the log file based on the arguments passed and print or write to a file.

  • levelOfDetail (int) –

    The value for the level of detail from 1, the least detail, to 3 (most detail). Default is 2.

    • Level 1 - Data loading, data preparation and preprocessing, custom user logs.

    • Level 2 - Output an overview of learner runs in addition to logs in Level 1. Includes timestamps, learner names, train and test object details, parameters, metrics, tuning results, and timer data when applicable.

    • Level 3 - Output all available data. Adds individual validation results from hyperparameter tuning. Note: The ‘enableDeepLogging’ option in the ‘logger’ section of nimble.settings, must be set to ‘True’ during the session in order for Level 3 data to be stored in the log.

  • leastSessionsAgo (int) – The least number of sessions since the most recent session to include in the log. Default is 0.

  • mostSessionsAgo (int) – The most number of sessions since the most recent session to include in the log. Default is 1.

  • startDate (str, datetime) – A string or datetime object of the date to begin adding sessions to the log. Acceptable formats: * “YYYY-MM-DD” * “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM” * “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS”

  • endDate (str, datetime) – A string or datetime object of the date to stop adding sessions to the log. See startDate for formatting.

  • maximumEntries (int) – Maximum number of entries to allow before stopping the log. None will allow all entries provided from the query. Default is 100.

  • searchForText (str, regex) – Search for in each log entry. Default is None.

  • saveToFileName (str) – The name of a file to write the human readable log. It will be saved in the same directory as the logger database. Default is None, showLog will print to standard out.

  • append (bool) – Append logs to the file in saveToFileName instead of overwriting file. Default is False.

See also


Keywords: sessions, entry, entries, database, query, record, history, display