
Base.matchingElements(toMatch, points=None, features=None, *, useLog=None)

Identify values meeting the provided criteria.

Return a new object with True at every location found to be a match, otherwise False. Common matching functions can be found in nimble’s match module.

  • toMatch (value, function, query) –

    • value - elements equal to the value return True

    • function - accepts an element as its only argument and returns a boolean value to indicate if the element is a match

    • query - string in the format ‘OPERATOR VALUE’ representing a function (i.e “< 10”, “== yes”, or “is missing”). See nimble.match.QueryString for string requirements.

  • points (point, list of points) – The subset of points to limit the matching to. If None, the matching will apply to all points.

  • features (feature, list of features) – The subset of features to limit the matching to. If None, the matching will apply to all features.

  • useLog (bool, None) – Local control for whether to send object creation to the logger. If None (default), use the value as specified in the “logger” “enabledByDefault” configuration option. If True, send to the logger regardless of the global option. If False, do NOT send to the logger, regardless of the global option.


nimble Base object – This object will only contain boolean values.


>>> from nimble import match
>>> lst = [[1, -1, 1], [-3, 3, -3]]
>>> X =
>>> isNegativeOne = X.matchingElements(-1)
>>> isNegativeOne
<Matrix 2pt x 3ft
       0      1      2
 0 │ False   True  False
 1 │ False  False  False
>>> from nimble import match
>>> lst = [[1, -1, None], [None, 3, -3]]
>>> X =
>>> isMissing = X.matchingElements(match.missing)
>>> isMissing
<Matrix 2pt x 3ft
       0      1      2
 0 │ False  False   True
 1 │  True  False  False
>>> from nimble import match
>>> lst = [[1, -1, 1], [-3, 3, -3]]
>>> X =
>>> isPositive = X.matchingElements(">0")
>>> isPositive
<Matrix 2pt x 3ft
       0      1      2
 0 │  True  False   True
 1 │ False   True  False

Keywords: equivalent, identical, same, matches, equals, compare, comparison, same