
Base.toString(points=None, features=None, lineLimit=30, lineWidthLimit=79, sigDigits=3, columnWidthLimit=19, includePointNames=True, includeFeatureNames=True, indent='', quoteNames=False)

A string representation of this object.

For objects exceeding the maxWidth and/or maxHeight, the string will truncate the output using various placeholders to indicate that some data was removed. For width and height, the data removed will be from the center printing only the data for the first few and last few columns and rows, respectively.

  • points (range, int, None) – A filter for specifying a specific range or number of points. If None, lineLimit will determine what is shown.

  • features (range, int, None) – A filter for specifying a specific range or number of features. If None, lineWidthLimit will determine what is shown.

  • lineLimit (int) – A bound on the maximum number of lines allowed for the output.

  • lineWidthLimit (int) – A bound on the maximum number of characters allowed on each line of the output.

  • sigDigits (int) – The number of significant digits to display in the output.

  • columnWidthLimit (int) – A bound on the maximum number of characters allowed for the width of single column (feature) in each line.

  • includePointNames (bool) – Used to control whether the point names are printed alongside the data in the points rows. If set to ‘False’ the indices of the points will be displayed instead of the names.

  • includeFeatureNames (bool) – Used to control whether the feature names are printed alongside the data in the features column. If set to ‘False’ the indices of the features will be displayed instead of the names.

  • indent (str) – The string to use as indentation.

  • quoteNames (bool) – Whether single quotes are included around the axis names.

See also


Keywords: text, write, display, stringify